Incubator Plus

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Multilingua maternal es un microsintesis de le natural linguas, de maternal expresion et multilingual comprehension. Multilingua maternal es un instrument de universal comunicacion inter le parlantes de diferent natural linguas, pero es equalment un instrument par mejor conocer, et preserver, le propie lingua, parce que permiti le expresion con le sintactik carasteristiks de le maternal lingua.

Multilingua maternal use un interancional vocabularie, de indoeuropean origine, facilement comprehensible por un grand part de le humanitie. Este vocabularie es flexionable et derivable, et es posible por ese rason le composicion de much paroles con un petit quantitie de linguistik radices.

Multilingua maternal se adapte a le necesities de le parlantes de le natural linguas, por ese rason acepte tot tipologie de sugerencies que aide a su development.

Welcome to the page of Multilingua maternal in Incubator Plus!

Multilingua maternal is a micro-synthesis of the natural languages, of maternal expression and multilingual comprehension. Multilingua maternal is an instrument of universal communication among the speakers of different natural languages, but it also is an instrument too know better, and to preserve, the speaker's own language, since it enables expression with the syntactic features of the mother tongue.

Multilingua maternal uses an international vocabulary, of Indo-European origin, easy to understand for a big part of mankind. This vocabulary is flexionable and derivable, and for that reason it is possible to create many words with only a limited number of language roots.

Multilingua maternal adapts to the needs of the speakers of natural languages, and every kind of suggestion that helps its development is accepted.

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