Incubator Plus
Welkum tuu tha hoom paaj for tha Eezee internaxenul
awgzilyaree laqgwij (awks laqg). Eezee iz diziind tuu bee
eezee tuu lurn and eezee tuu yuuz. Awlsoo,  it's
hiilee kumpatabul with English, but mor yuuzer-frendlee.
Sins awks laqgz hav tha ciken or eg problum (how tuu
lurn it if thair'z nufhiq tuu reed), wi'l stahrt with sum
popyuler topiks. If thair'z sumfhiq yuu'd liik tuu see 
heer, rikwest it in tha diskuxen for this paaj, or ad
it yorself. Doon't wuree if it's not graat. Utherz
kan impruuv it.
Tha Eezee Yuuzerz Gruup
Welcome to the home page for the Eezee international
auxiliary language (aux lang).  Eezee is designed to be
easy to learn and easy to use.  Also, it's
highly compatible with English, but more user-friendly.
Since aux langs have the chicken or egg problem (how to
learn it if there's nothing to read), we'll start with some
popular topics.  If there's something you'd like to see
here, request it in the discussion for this page, or add
it yourself. Don't worry if it's not great. Others
can improve it.
The Eezee Users Group

Eezee Ahrtikulz[]
